Medicaid Expansion

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We’ve made no secret about our passion for all Mississippi residents to have high quality healthcare in every corner of our state. That means our elected representatives need to accept federal support for Medicaid.
When Kentucky’s previous governor was faced with similar challenges, he turned to experts who told him, “you cannot afford not to do this….because over the next eight years, you’re going to create 17,000 new jobs. You’ll inject about $15 billion into Kentucky’s economy over the next eight years. You’ll protect Kentucky’s hospitals from the impact of cuts in indigent care funding and protect rural hospitals. And, you’ll have about an $800 million positive budget impact over the next eight years.” As it turned out, their positive net bottom line was much greater!
Advice from former Kentucky governor, Steve Breshear, about the state of Mississippi healthcare, “Throw out, throw away the partisan bickering and just look at what’s best for your people. It’s hard to argue that everybody having health care would not make life better for everybody. But there’s also sound evidence, that this is not only affordable for a state to do, this is economically beneficial for a state.”
Source: Mississippi Today